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das glückliche leben – eine groteske

beitrag von: SylviaP


Dream 1: A recurrent dream for many years – hobbling as I walk up or down Mariahilferstrasse – one foot in the gutter, the other on the sidewalk.

Dream 2: not mine but one I stole from my husband.
He went to town in jungle green stockings and high heels, wearing a bowler hat and carrying an attaché case. No one batted an eyelid.

My left leg jolts but Maria doesn´t give a damn and will not help. Not even when she sees the man strutting his stuff in his jungle-green nylons. 

review von: stefanie sargnagel

Sind das zwei Träume die sich vereinigen?
Sylvia Petter sagt
19.06.2024 02:48
Sylvia Petter sagt
22.06.2024 00:50
I’ve answered your question. Na und?