augusta laar in medellín (col)
festival internacional de poesía & escuela internacional de poesía de medellín (col), 18 to 25 june 2016
the poetry school in medellín, founded in 1996 in cooperation with ide hintze and the vienna poetry school (sfd), celebrates its 20th anniversary. we are very happy that augusta laar represents sfd in medellín: giving a performance at the festival and conducting a workshop together with kalle laar!

augusta laar
artist, lyricist, musician. exhibitions, projects and performances.
once student with nick cave in his class held at sfd: "the lovesong and how to write one" (1998). together with ernst molden she taught the legendary brothel-class "orpheus in eurydike – poetry and singing from the half- and other world" (sfd in association with wiener festwochen 2006). numerous cooperations with sfd, amongst others during the "schamrock"-festival of women poets founded by augusta laar (since 2012).
26th festival internacional de poesía
20th escuela internacional de poesía de medellín (col)
curated by fernando rendón & gloria chvatal
18 to 25 june 2016
medellín international poetry school
art or accident aka augusta & kalle laar
"see me – hear me".
city street life poetry.
in association with