exhibitions at vienna poetry school
mariahilfer straße 88a/stiege III/7, 1070 vienna
mo–fr, +43-(0)1 522 35 26 (please ring ahead or send an email to sfd@sfd.at)
coming soon: lukas weidinger (autumn 2024)
previous exhibitions:
an exhibition by the poet and visual artist
toni kleinlercher
about the poetry volume in der Sprache der Inseln
by julian schutting
68 copies and a literary frottage
exhibition from 29 november 2023 until 30 march 2024
invitation to the exhibition opening and book presentation
tues., 28 november 2023, 7 p.m.
with toni kleinlercher und a reading by julian schutting from in der Sprache der Inseln and current works
>> https://sfd.at/newsflash/ablichtungen (in german)
display technology: markus taxacher
PHOTOS from the opening >> www.facebook.com/poetryschool
sabine groschup
as if they belonged to a mouth reader
on view at the sfd: a selection of "handkerchiefs" from the poetry cycles "101 handkerchiefs of tears", "19 handkerchiefs of crisis", "213 handkerchiefs of love (freely adapted from ramon llull)" and "handkerchief poems, dedicated".
vernissage: thurs, 1 june 2023, 7 pm
in the presence of sabine groschup
introductory words: fritz ostermayer
sabine groschup has been working since 2013 on the cycle entitled "cloth handkerchiefs", which showcases the artist as a lyricist. these are handkerchiefs embroidered with poems and dedicated to various different subjects. the "101 handkerchiefs of tears" and "19 handkerchiefs of crisis" find their thematic contrast in "213 handkerchiefs of love", with the artist producing an additional series of handkerchief poems dedicated to individual people.
the white handkerchiefs, which are often framed with a coloured frame or embroidery, serve as a pictorial background on which the poems with their seemingly sculpted calligraphy, appear almost like autographs - only that the handwriting does not go back to a writing tool, but to needle and thread. are the "handkerchiefs" works of visual art or works of literature?
how are the lyrical handkerchiefs to be interpreted in terms of content? the titles of the individual series already suggest that groschup is dealing here with existential emotions of the human being: grief, pain and love. such emotions are also linked to the cultural use of the handkerchief. when tears need to be dried or when sweat needs to be wiped from the face during fear or exertion, handkerchiefs come into play. in vulnerable situations or in moments of shame, they serve to regain composure.
even if conventional handkerchiefs are everyday objects, their embroidered poetry refers in form and content to the extra-ordinary nature of art. made by hand in a time-consuming process, the poems are also a reminder of the effort involved in cultural production.
- karl borromäus murr
(director state textile and industrial museum augsburg)
tgg #19 • dedicated to peter weibel • from the cycle handkerchief poems, dedicated • sabine groschups poetry embroidered onto handkerchiefs of various origins
exhibition technics and set-up: georg weckwerth and markus taxacher
exhibition from 2 june until 16 november 2023
founding fever
30 years vienna poetry school
exhibition curated by tina bara.
with numerous photos from the initial years – 1992 / 1993 – of the vienna poetry school as well as video footage etc.
12 october 2022, 7 p.m., vienna poetry school, 1070 vienna; free admission
performance & talk in the exhibition "gründungsfieber" ("founding fever")
with anne waldman and bernhard widder
(event in english. poetry performance partly in german)
exhibition opening on 25 may 2022, 5 p.m., mariahilfer str. 88a/stiege 3/7, 1070 vienna
opening talk with:
tina bara (photographer, video artist, film maker; berlin/leipzig), angelika krinzinger (photographer, she photographed sfd-events in the beginning) and gertraud marinelli-könig (slavicist, austrian academy of sciences, sfd founding member)
"founding fever" ("gründungsfieber")
concept & realisation: tina bara
talk with sonja moor, camera: tina bara
videos: editing: ursula henzl, charley eybl, camera: charley eybl
exhibition technics & assistance: markus taxacher
photos: angelika krinzinger
photo organisation: mia legenstein
consultancy: charley eybl, gertraud marinelli-könig, sonja moor, harriet nachtmann
sappho/paper slips: joerg waehner
exhibition from 27 may until 15 december 2022
vinyl poetics
installation by kalle aldis laar
reopened from 9 june until 16 july 2021
opening: 25 september 2019, 7 p.m.
at sfd
photos from the opening >> www.facebook.com/poetryschool
exhibition from 26 september until 28 february 2020
mo-fr t: +43-1-522 35 26 (please ring ahead of your visit)
vienna poetry school / schule für dichtung
mariahilfer straße 88a/stiege III/7, 1070 vienna
the installation "vinyl poetics" at the sfd-premises shows an overwhelming wealth and diversity of examples of poetic messages on records, generated in the shadow of commercial pop production.
the exhibits originate from the archive "the temporary soundmuseum", a comprehensive collection of sound storage media culture of the second half of the 20th century. it is run by kalle aldis laar, sound artist in munich and vienna.
kalle aldis laar
*1955. sound artist, composer, radio playwright, dj. exhibitions, performances, interdisciplinary projects.
exhibition set-up: paul horn
- [EIS]
by neutro
anna neuwirth & martin troger
photos and texts.
invitation to the exhibition opening
on thurs. 14 march 2019, 7 p.m.
at the vienna poetry school
mariahilfer str. 88a/stiege III/7
neutro – the writers anna neuwirth & martin troger – are, as a collective, searching for a common language.
the first step in their joint work [EIS] were longer photo-texts. martin troger penned a mountain of text. anna neuwirth took photos to the texts and then selected excerpts from the photo-texts. those, in combination with the photo, make up the form that neutro exhibits at the vienna poetry school.
neutro are the art collective anna neuwirth & martin troger. since 2015, as neutro they have been publishing in literary magazines and on their website. in 2018 they were amongst the finalists of the hans gratzer scholarship of schauspielhaus wien.
exhibition from 15 march until 30 august 2019
mo-fr t: +43-1-522 35 26 (please ring ahead of your visit)
vienna poetry school / schule für dichtung
mariahilfer straße 88a/stiege III/7, 1070 vienna
(c) neutro
- "the achievement of the theory of everything. experimental melancholy"
exhibition simon goritschnig & sfd-poets of the class with raphaela edelbauer
opening on 27 sept. 2018, 7 p.m.; free admission
exhibition from 28 sept. 2018 until 28 feb. 2019
at the start of the festival "melancholy in september – survival of the weakest": >> https://sfd.at/en/program/2018/melancholy-in-september-2013-the-survival-of-the-weakest
class with raphaela edelbauer & simon goritschnig: >> https://sfd.at/en/program/2018/the-achievement-of-the-theory-of-everything?set_language=en&cl=en
the exhibition at the vienna poetry school shows the class-work of the poets manfred bruckner, gabriele gäbelein, katharina goetze, markus grundtner, irene hager, theodor maier, julia alina kessel, peter alexander kopciak and regine koth afzelius as well as the drawings by simon goritschnig (www.simongoritschnig.com).
(c) simon goritschnig; for the manifest "jede rechnung beweist sich in der welt" by theodor maier
- CAFÉ GERSTL TO GO by augusta laar and judith nika pfeiffer
opening on 20 april, 7 p.m. >> https://sfd.at/en/newsflash/exhibition-opening-preliminary-class-presentation?set_language=en&cl=en
from 23 april 2018 until 31 august 2018
parallel to their online class "café gerstl" augusta laar and judith nika pfeifer create a photo exhibition with poetic texts and corresponding paraphernalia: cafés from vienna to tucson, from the inside and outside, details and snapshots in a dialogue of poetry and photography. the texts move from the images, the images move towards the texts.
exhibition set-up: paul horn
tip: online class "café gerstl" by augusta laar and judith pfeifer: http://sfd.at/gerstl
- patrick pilsl alias martin dean: "imaginary geographies"
patrick pilsl alias martin dean (berlin/klagenfurt)
* 1964
visual artist and musician
martin dean creates obscure maps and globes combined with a criticism of a colonial view of the world, sharpened by exaggeration towards caricature.
exhibition opening on 2 november 2017, 7 p.m.
exhibition from 3 november 2017 until 28 february 2018
venue: schule für dichtung
mariahilfer straße 88a/stiege III/7, 1070 vienna
mo-fr t: +43-1-522 35 26
(c) martin dean
- "kette & schuss" (warp & weft)
artist maria muhar wonders what literary text is playing at in the exhibition room.
exhibition opening on 22 november 2016, 7 p.m.
exhibition from 23 november 2016 until 31 march 2017.
- "wolpertingerauflauf: mischwesen transmedial aufgetischt" – a transmedia serving of hybrid creatures
(>> wikipedia: wolpertinger)
according to the book by markus köhle and sabine freitag: “kuhu, löwels, mangoldhamster: die 4 jahreszeiten der wolpertinger” (sonderzahl 2015)
the exhibition shows original drawings by illustrator sabine freitag created for the book "kuhu, löwels, mangoldhamster. die vier jahreszeiten der wolpertinger”, published by sonderzahl verlag in 2015. in addition, the room is filled with sculptures, screenprint babies and audio samples of "wolpertingers".
exhibition opening on 13 april at 7 p.m.
exhibition from 14 april until 16 september 2016
>> info
- "the many phases & sights of race"
camilo antonio (phi/aut) & ion neculai (rom)
from 25 november 2015 until 29 january 2016
exhibition opening on 24 november 2015, 7 p.m.
>> info
from 27 feb. until 28 sept. 2015 at sfd
>> info
- herman melville's moby dick filleted. the whale published by harpune verlag
exhibition from 15 may to 14 november 2014 at vienna poetry school
>> info
- "christian ide hintze. the artist as teacher / the teacher as artist. vienna poetry school"
until 11 april 2014
>> info
- works from the class with tex rubinowitz
>> info (in german)
- manuscripts from the archive of vienna poetry school
>> info (in german)
- urban storytelling – photos & texts
>> info (in german)