herman melville's moby dick filleted
the whale published by harpune verlag
exhibition until 14 november 2014
sfd, 1070 vienna

exhibition of harpune verlag at sfd.
vienna poetry school
mariahilfer str. 88a/III/7, mezzanin
1070 vienna
monday - friday: (01)522 35 26
moby dick filleted. a book-in-progress-project by harpune verlag
founded in 2010 by sarah bogner and josef zekoff, harpune publishes exclusive books designed by artists in limited editions which combine literature and visual arts in a most beautiful way.
in addition to publications by hermann, burger, schorsch kamerun, janathan meese or elfie semotan harpune also takes care of the phantastic big and long-term project "moby dick fillet", a serial new edition of herman melville's century novel. thereby, an artist illustrates each of the 137 chapters which are published as single "fillets" in a non-chronological order. up until now twenty such "bites" of moby dick have been published. if the current publishing frequency is kept, one can count on the last artistic fish finger in eleven years when the "book" will be roughly two meters thick.
the exhibition at sfd shows the parts that already exist - together with the sound installation whales sing satie by sarah bogner and fritz ostermayer.
at the vernissage christian rothmaler presented fillet nr. 17 the ramadan and designed a poster for the exhibition.
sarah bogner, josef zekoff, christian rothmaler, fritz ostermayer (left to right)
(c) schule für dichtung/ harriet nachtmann
more pictures from the vernissage: >> www.facebook.com/poetryschool