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kinetic utopias

kurzklasse / writing workshop.
23. bis 24. oktober 2018; plus klassenpräsentation beim schamrock-festival der dichterinnen am 24. oktober
unterrichtssprache: englisch!
anmeldungen sind bereits möglich.

klasse analog kinetic utopias
/ anne waldman (usa)

kinetic utopias: a writing workshop with anne waldman

we will consider the theme of utopia together and write poems as antidotes to the technologies of control and dystopia. we will reference classic utopias, and utilize methods (“experiments of attention”) of collaboration, performance, documentary poetics, divination, and montage.
please arrive at the workshop with a list of possibilities for what you would include in your utopia with special attention to endangered life forms and how you might “dream the end of war”.

anne waldman
poet, performer, teacher and cultural activist. co-founder (together with allen ginsberg) of the jack kerouac school of disembodied poetics in boulder, colorado/usa. most recently, author of “trickster feminism” (penguin 2018), as well as the recent “jaguar harmonics”, and “voice’s daughter of a heart yet to be born”. recipient of the pen america award for her 1000 epic: "the iovis trilogy: colors in the mechanism of concealment". she received the "before columbus foundation lifetime achievement award".
waldman performs and lectures around the world, most recently at the jaipur literature festival in india (2017), casa del lago festival in mexico city (2017) and poetas in madrid (2018). she has been performing recently in collaboration with meredith monk, and her own fast speaking music collective.
beginning in 1992, she led classes at the vienna poetry school (sfd): in 2012, anne waldman held the laudatio on the occasion of sfd’s 20th anniversary.

5 unterrichtseinheiten / 5 teaching units:

23.10.: 17.00 bis 19:30 uhr
13.30 bis 16.00 uhr
ort: schule für dichtung, mariahilfer str. 88a/III/7, 1070 wien

24.10.2018, 19.00 uhr: klassenpräsentation im rahmen des schamrock-abends/festival der dichterinnen
(>> programm online);
ort: literaturhaus, zieglergasse 26a, 1070 wien; eintritt frei
info >>


sfd in kooperation mit schamrock festival der dichterinnen (münchen/wien) & literaturhaus wien


begrenzte teilnehmerzahl!

teilnahmegebühr / participation fee: € 60,-

teaching language: english
condition of participation: good knowledge of english

>> anmeldeformular (pdf download)


anne waldman hält den workshop auch in münchen
und performt beim schamrock festival (26. bis 28.10.2018)


anne waldman © hegnauer

anne waldman ©
schule für dichtung – vienna poetry school 1992  / angelika krinzinger