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50 years jack kerouac school of disembodied poetics

sincere congratulations! sfd poet & teacher augusta laar represented vienna poetry school at the summer writing program in june 2024 on the occasion of the anniversary

50 years jack kerouac school of disembodied poetics

happy anniversary to naropa university and its jack kerouac school of diesembodied poetics in boulder, colorado!


in the summer of 1974 allen ginsberg, anne waldman, john cage, and diane di prima founded the jack kerouac school of disembodied poetics at the naropa institute.

when the vienna poetry school was founded in 1991, the jack kerouac school was one of its models – subsequently, allen ginsberg and anne waldman have had close ties to sfd, as supporters, teachers & performers. anne waldman was guest of honour at and contributed to sfds 20th (in 2012) and 30th (in 2022) anniversaries – during the latter she held a short class "entanglement poetics: hybrid of protest and performance" at sfd.

the 50th anniversary events at naropa include a summer writing program during the month of june 2024. poet and sfd-teacher augusta laar was poetry ambassador for the vienna poetry school during week 1 of the program >>


anne waldman & augusta laar during the summer writing program 2024


augusta laar
lives in munich and vienna. poet, visual artist and musician. studied music in munich (lmu, richard strauss conservatory). director of the reading series schamrock-salons and the world’s only womens poetry festival the international schamrock-festival of women poets as well as the schamrock film festival female presence (with kalle aldis laar). ambassador of vienna poetry school at the festival internacional de poesia medellin 2016. at vienna poetry school she was a student (e.g. nick cave, anne waldman) and a teacher of classes and also held exhibitions.