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an album for eternity

writers in conversation with fritz ostermayer about music and text production. sfd-series.
talk/text/music. in october with natascha gangl.
tues., 22 october 2019, 7 p.m.; free admission
venue: literaturhaus, zieglergasse 26a, 1070 vienna

an album for eternity

"experiencia total" and "oracion de las cosas" are the titles of two of her radio plays/installations, a text related to julio cortázar bears the title "los vampiros multinacionales – one blood" and in 2015 she called her prose debut wendy fährt nach mexiko (wendy drives to mexico) –  if the name gangl hadn't been so thoroughly austrian, one could be tempted to relate the writer natascha gangl to spanish literature. it is no wonder, since she lived for a couple of years in spain and mexico. one will see if this hispanophilia has an effect on gangls musical preferences. the host would be delighted about this, because fritz ostermayer is quite besotted with mexican folkore traditions and hispanic hip hop. ven con tu sombrero y tequila!


natascha gangl:
*1986 in bad radkersburg (at). writes texts for theatre, prose, essays and develops theatrical installations in various collectives, audio plays or live sound comics in which she tests the boundary between language and music, absurd and ritual, trash and tragedy.
for more go to: >> (in german & spanish)

(c) marcel rius


more about the sfd series "an album for eternity" >>

review 2018 >>


vienna poetry school in association with literaturhaus wien