eacwp flash fiction contest
competition for european writers: eacwp (european association of creative writing programmes) holds its 1st flash fiction contest. participation in one of the european languages, a text with max. 100 words, deadline: 1 march 2018 (1 p.m. CET)

eacwp flash fiction contest
this initiative aims to promote and encourage literary creation in europe, bringing european writers together in a joint competition.
what is it about?
the contest is open to any participant living in europe (including countries culturally linked to europe such as russia, turkey, and israel). participants must present a 100 words flash-fiction text. the story must be set in europe.
the final winner will be awarded a cash prize of € 600,-. the prize giving ceremony will take place on 13 september 2018 in brussels (during the next eacwp conference). costs for travel and accomodation in brussels for two nights will also be covered.
vienna poetry school & eacwp >> https://sfd.at/en/sfd-eacwp