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european flash fiction contest - vote online!

this year's eacwp flash fiction contest enters into its final round. 13 submissions (one text per participating language) are competing against each other. public voting until 30 june 2024, 1 p.m. (CET)

european flash fiction contest - vote online!

more than 1,000 texts on the topic "ambiguous" were submitted during the first round of the eacwp (european association of creative writing) flash fiction contest.

13 texts (in different languages with english translations) are competing in the final round. the sfd jury selected "koexistenz" ("coexistence") by peter zemla as best german language text. congratulations and all the best for the final!
(sfd jury german language text: dramatist, author & sfd teacher rebekka kricheldorf, from sfd: nicolas mahler & harriet nachtmann)


peter zemla


when someone, an empathiser, a sympathiser, picks up by its shell a snail which happens to find itself in the middle of the road and places it at the roadside, so that it is out of the way of profiled soles and vehicle tyres, and then a little later gets a call from a lady whose accent is indubitably that of a female gastropod, who introduces herself as an employee of the citizens’ centre for the rights of molluscs, and without any further ado gets down to the nitty-gritty, which it transpires is that the empathiser, the sympathiser, should remember the resolution concerning coexistence and, in the event of further violation, would be in danger of being fined.

translation: peter waugh


a big thank you to all participating authors for sending in their texts!

all texts in their original language and english translations can be found >> here.

public voting for the european winner is open until 30 june 2024 (note: you can vote for one text only and not for the text from your own country)

the final winner of the flash fiction contest will be announced on 18 july 2024.

infos about the eacwp flash fiction contest >>

vienna poetry school & eacwp >>