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from the ivory tower

balcony scenes first monday every month.

finale of the series: author and minstrel fritz ostermayer.
7 december 2015, 5 p.m.
from sfd's balcony down to mariahilfer strasse (nr. 88a). performance appr. 15 minutes

from the ivory tower

fritz ostermayer

born 1956. author, musician, performer, radio editor & producer.
studied dramatics and electro-acoustic music; long-term music and culture journalist (der standard, profil, falter); since 1981 editor at the austrian broadcasting corporation ("musicbox", "kunstradio", "diagonal", "fm4-im sumpf").
as a writer, poaching through the districs of pataphysics, music theory, satire, kitsch-related text production etc. as a musician, cooperation and performances with "scheitel", "neigungsgruppe sex, gewalt und gute laune", john giorno, otomo yoshihide, sachiko m, noel akchote, red, jason forrest, franz hautzinger, christof kurzmann, pomassl, pulsinger&tunakan etc.
as media artist joint projects with bill fontana, clegg & goodman, jörg schlick, fritz grohs, medlar lucan, durian gray, paul renner, grissemann and stermann etc.
as curator working for "steirischer herbst", "festival der regionen", "regionale" and the transmitter festival. guest lecturer at fh-joanneum in graz and the institute for music sciences at the university of vienna. additionally, director (schauspielhaus graz) and choreographer (tanzquartier wien and donaufestival krems).

since 2012, fritz ostermayer is the artistic director of the vienna poetry school.


>> more about the series "from the ivory tower"