the track 5' winners 2020
the short radio plays by karl quartz, laurin & amelie steinhuber and by "bonnie und das kleid" were the winners at the ö1 radio play gala
track 5' short radio play contest
by radio station ö1 & the vienna poetry school
out of 106 valid submissions the jury chose the winning projects which were awarded at the ö1 radio play gala on 28 february at the orf-radiokulturhaus in vienna.
furthermore, the prize of the vienna poetry school was handed over during this evening.
>> info on the contest "it can also work differently"
the top ten short radio plays >>
all submitted radio plays >>
the track 5' prize winners and their radio plays
1st place: "die gardinen im schlafwaggon“
by karl quartz
2nd place "es geht auch anders"
by laurin und amelie steinhuber
3rd place: "haltestelle"
by the art collective "bonnie und das kleid": muamer gazibegovic, nevenko bucan und alona bakirova
& the SPECIAL PRIZE of the vienna poetry school:
"depron aero, 3mm"
by claudia weber
congratulations to all winners!