for more (classes, events, etc.) go to
>> program 2025
>> programm 2025 (in german)
vinyl poetics
exhibition by kalle laar
revival from 9 june until 16 july 2021
venue: schule für dichtung / vienna poetry school, mariahilfer str. 88a/stiege III/7, 1070 vienna
please give us a poetic act!
dear friends and fiends of the vienna poetry school,
for the sake of h.c. artmann:
please give us a poetic act!
(well knowing that this can only be a poor approximation. or a worthy imposture.)
paradise machines 2
lydia mischkulnig's zoom class is taking place a second time, due to hight demand:
4 to 8 may 2021
(limited number of participants / already booked out)
>> class info
online conference: futures for creative writing & eacwp international pedagogical conference
online workshops, panels, lectures and discussions
fri., 21 & sat., 22 may 2021
deadline for registration: 7 may 2021
sfd spring academy 21 "without net"
four virtual classes: with antonio fian (mini drama), daniela seel (poetry), heinrich steinfest (short prose) & yasmin hafehd alias yasmo (song lyrics and spoken word poetry).
13 to 27 april 2021
eacwp flash fiction contest 2021
submit your text with a max. of 100 words!
topic: "outside"
competition for writers in europe in 12 different languages – carried out for the fourth time by eacwp (european association of creative writing programmes). deadline: 15 april 2021 (1 p.m. CET). extended until 30 april!
online class with jörg piringer.
minimal square texts. acoustic visual compositions.
17 november to 15 december 2020 and 19 january to 2 february 2021
(join anytime during these periods!)
participation free of charge >>
track 5': new record!
short radio play contest by ö1 & vienna poetry school.
thank you for participating!
the jury is evaluating... 259 radio plays were submitted! >>
all submissions >>
paradise machines
writing a short story ...
digital class with writer lydia mischkulnig
(via zoom; requirement: internet connection)
23 to 27 february 2021
limited number of participants!
(application deadline for free places: 1 feb.!)