vienna poetry school call for text submissions 2020
we're looking for short literary texts on the topic of ghosts for:
sfd& gespenster (ghosts)
magazine of the vienna poetry school #02
deadline for submissions: 15 july 2020
(literary form: open (poem, prose, drama, ghost diary ...)

vienna poetry school call for text submissions 2020
sfd& gespenster (ghosts)
magazine of the vienna poetry school #02
deadline: 15 july 2020
we welcome unpublished short texts in german and english from austria and abroad!
please send your manuscripts that deal with the topic ghosts until july 15th, 2020.
the length of each submission may have a maximum of 3,000 characters and all literary genres are accepted.
a jury will select the texts for publication.
for details on the call for texts and participation see the description below.
"gespenster" (ghosts)
in the first edition of our magazine sfd&, rage was the driver; in the seond edition we are driven: by ghosts. and other creatures of an absent present. and vice versa.
who or what is meant today when there is talk about ghosts? what does it mean to be haunted by ghosts? with which type of spectre are we confronted? quite early on ghosts have left their literary haunts – moors, graves, castles and other "haunted houses" – and have nested in the construct of ideas of philosophy and psychoanalysis. and they have done so with such force that they have haunted cultural studies in many forms as metaphors, codes and discourse figures.
despite being charged by theory, ghosts are – as border phenomena between this world and the beyond, visibility and invisibility, fascination and fear – of course still a playground for our imagination; it doesn't matter if these are the good old ghosts who "only" gave us a fright, because we could neither read their messages nor their strange state of aggregation. or if it is about the new ghosts whose absent presence troubles us as much with their omnipresent fake images of our media reality as with the phantom-like stagings of our own selves in the social networks. the old ghosts around us were only spooky, the new ones in us are just creepy.
no matter what nature your ghosts may be: make them literary! we are looking for ghost stories, spirit poetry, spooky mini dramas and other texts on uncanniness. we are looking forward to protocols of séances, diaries of appearances and manifestos of the non-manifest.
sfd& gespenster (ghosts) should listen to the response of current poetic production to the past diversity of cultural ghost production. although ghosts may raise many doubts with their appearance, there is little doubt that ghosts are again in high demand. one only has to believe in them.
call for text submissions
sfd& gespenster
magazine of the vienna poetry school #02
deadline for submissions: 15 july 2020
send your texts via email to:
topic: ghosts (see above)
german and english texts can be submitted.
max. length: 3,000 characters (incl. spaces)/excl. title:
word file, named: surname_first name_title
literary form: open
you must enclose:
short bio (half A4 page, max. 1 A4 page) and your postal address:
word file, named: surname_first name_data
(the vienna poetry school's privacy statement applies:
publication date of the magazine: autumn 2020 – at the festival "uninvited guests" >>
terms & conditions:
the text has not been published before. (the texts have to be free from third party rights and written by the participants themselves)
the copyright remains with the authors.
each author whose text will be published, will be contacted by sfd beforehand. he/she will receive a free copy of the magazine.
we cannot respond to requests/comments about the submitted texts.
the participants in this call automatically give permission that their texts can be published in the sfd magazine sfd& free of charge and that, if applicable, they can also be presented at a public event organised by sfd. they also give permission that their texts can be published either in part or fully on the sfd website and via social media.
by taking part in this call for text submissions the participants explicitly and automatically agree to these terms & conditions.
sfd& wut (rage)
magazine of the vienna poetry school #01