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You are here: Home / newsflash / 1,000 tears deep

1,000 tears deep

"– if catharsis doesn't work, emotion always does"
two-day festival
14 and 15 october 2016, every day from 6 p.m.
with jochen distelmeyer, andrea grill, wolfgang hermann, zuzana husárová, anneliese mackintosh, klaus nüchtern, daniela strigl, johannes ullmaier, oliver welter, sfd-students and fritz ostermayer
welcome: robert huez (literaturhaus wien), andreas mailath-pokorny (city councillor for culture and science, vienna), thomas drozda (federal minister for art and culture)
vienna poetry school in association with literaturhaus wien

1,000 tears deep

venue: literaturhaus, zieglergasse 26a, 1070 vienna
free admission

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