1st eacwp flash fiction contest: and the winner is ...
sivan shiknagy from ramat gan, israel with her contribution "kinetic energy"! the german text, "glass bottom" by dennis mombauer, came third. altogether, texts in 14 different european languages made it into the final round.

after an exciting and close finale the winning text of the 1st eacwp flash fiction contest has been chosen:
kinetic energy
von sivan shiknagy
3022 miles from here there’s this guy, his name is rupert, he drives a train in london. he spends most of the day at 93 miles per hour. he once read in the paper that the air in the subway is 20 times denser. that same year, he married a girl named lenora. before he got this job, he was asked to fill a form with questions like “do you ever have suicidal thoughts?” and actually, every other week, some woman jumps on the tracks right in front of him. always a she. “lady killer” his friends call him, and it’s funny because it has a double meaning. after the train stops, there’s a few seconds where the brain still feels like it’s moving and sometimes rupert is afraid to check if it’s a he or a she on his tracks, or if lenora still loves him.
(translated into english from hebrew)
points were awarded according to the eurovision song contest system. the further finalists are:
second: "daybreak in paris" by ángel bravo fernández (madrid, spain)
third: "glass bottom" by dennis mombauer (sinzig, germany)
fourth: "the symposium" by louis bidder (leiden, the netherlands)
fifth: "i don't" by damhnait monaghan (ringwood, uk)
congratulations to the winner and the finalists!!
from 15 january to 1 march 2018 a total of 1,885 texts from across europe were submitted for the >> first eacwp flash fiction contest. representatives of 15 institutions/members of the european association of creative writing programmes (eacwp) formed the jury. lyricist peter waugh represented sfd as a jury member.
further infos on the contest:
>> https://sfd.at/en/newsflash/flash-fiction-contest-vote-online?set_language=en&cl=en
>> https://sfd.at/en/newsflash/eacwp-flash-fiction-contest?set_language=en&cl=en
the finalists' texts (OVs and english translations):
>> https://eacwp.org/flash-fiction-contest-european-winner-2018/
vienna poetry school & eacwp >> https://sfd.at/en/sfd-eacwp