eacwp symposion 2024 & new publication
creative writing in europe
- the vienna poetry school was represented by orhan kipcak and harriet nachtmann at this year's meeting of the european association of creative writing programmes in lisbon.
- new online publication: papers on writing & creativity (eacwp conference, madrid 2023)

eacwp symposion 2024
the vienna poetry school is a member of the eacwp since its founding in 2005 in prague (as encwp). harriet nachtmann, representing the sfd, is a board member of the eacwp.
within this european network there is an inspiring exchange about teaching creative writing, joint projects are developed etc.
the symposion 2024 took place in lisboa at biblioteca camões on may 23–25, organised by eacwp and escrever escrever.
info sfd & eacwp >> http://sfd.at/eacwp
new online publication
eacwp conference madrid 2023
the art & the craft
papers on writing & creativity
in the context of the eacwp international pedagogical conference the art & the craft, co-organised by our spanish partners from escuela de escritores, eacwp gathered and curated this representative sample of some of our most noted contributions from both european & worldwide colleagues attending the event.
papers on writing & creativity is the final outcome of two days of a highly nurturing & enriching pedagogical, multicultural & international dialogue with 100 participants gathered in the extraordinary location of casa árabe in madrid.
it also contains the lectures held – on behalf of the vienna poetry school – by orhan kipcak ("a brief reminder ide hintzes 7fold poetics"), fabian navarro ("code & poetry – teaching writers how to code") and fritz ostermayer ("inspirational settings and locations as a booster for text production"). sfd in madrid >> info
full conference compilation >> https://eacwp.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/The-Art-The-Craft_final_version.pdf
info >> https://eacwp.org/the-art-the-craft-papers-on-writing-creativity
eacwp symposion lisboa 2024:
biblioteca camões
eacwp board 2024
conference publication 2023