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autumn academy 22 "reality will eat itself"

loss of reality from "fever dreams", "orgasmic writing" to "manipulation training": classes with raphaela edelbauer, christine gaigg and patrick wagner
november 2022


winners of the onb web residency

are sînziana păltineanu with her work "thunder and lightning. records of a passing snowstorm on the first wednesday of the new year" and ida westh-hansen with "boon scrolling". both were successful with two very different digital artworks.
önb in association with sfd


gründungsfieber (founding fever)

exhibition on the occasion of 30 years vienna poetry school
designed by tina bara (berlin/leipzig), photographer, video artist and film maker
until 15 december 2022 at sfd, 1070 vienna
12 october 2022, 7 p.m.: performance & talk in the exhibition with anne waldman and bernhard widder (event in english)


the beat goes on

celebration for the 30th anniversary! poets/bands on stage: dental princes, erstes wiener heimorgelorchester, smashed to pieces & the very pleasure, as well as lydia haider (aut) & special guest anne waldman (usa);
presented by fritz ostermayer
13 october 2022, 8 p.m., free admission
venue: rote bar / volkstheater, arthur-schnitzler-platz 1, 1070 vienna


30 years sfd

the vienna poetry school was founded an unbelievable 30 years ago! on this occasion: a panel debate (19 april), an exhibition & a cinema screening (25 may), a celebration (13 october), a book


eacwp flash fiction contest 2021 – public vote!

13 european texts are entering the final round for this year's eacwp flash fiction contest. public voting ends 30 june 2022!


call for text submissions 2022

wanted: short literary texts on the topic of animals
sfd& tiere (animals)
magazine of the vienna poetry school #04
call closes: 6 june 2022


sounds & lecture

presentation: kalle laar (ger/aut) & the poets of his sound poetry class "making music with animals" and guest lecture by maartje smits (ned) on transmedia artistic research: "how i started a forest im my bathroom" (ArtEZ creative writing, arnheim)
thurs., 5 may 2022, 7 p.m.; free admission
venue: vienna poetry school, mariahilfer strasse 88a/stiege III/7, 1070 vienna


teach writing

on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the vienna poetry school: panel debate with bodo hell, orhan kipcak, teresa präauer, ferdinand schmatz
moderation: fritz ostermayer
19 april 2022, 7 p.m.; free admission
venue: alte schmiede, schönlaterngasse 9, 1010 vienna


vienna poetry school spring academy 22 "animals"

april/may 2022
four classes – between animal becoming and human erosion – with martin fritz, kalle laar, julya rabinowich, nell zink.
