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call for texts! submit your short literary texts on the topic of "the grotesque / grotesqueness" for:
sfd& groteske, magazine of the vienna poetry school #06
deadline: 14 july 2024, literary form: open
>> info


soundlines with marc matter (sui/bel/ger)

lecture-performace "record-playful sound poetry"
wed., 15 april 2015, 7 p.m., free admission
venue: sfd, mariahilfer straße 88a/stiege III/7, 1070 vienna
introduction: jörg piringer


write now networking meeting

write now, the association of english language writers in vienna, holds its upcoming networking meeting at sfd – vienna poetry school.
thurs., 9 april 2015, 7 p.m., free admission for write now members, 7 € for non-members
venue: schule für dichtung, mariahilfer straße 88a/stiege III/7, 1070 vienna


an album for eternity

authors talk with fritz ostermayer about music and text production.
continuation of this series 2015, guest in march: josef winkler
26 march 2015, 7 p.m.
venue: literaturhaus wien, zieglergasse 26a, 1070 wien; free admission


gerhard rühm on his 85th!

ö1 calls him "the big boundary-transcender". of course, we want to add our bit.



from the ivory tower

balcony-scenes first monday every month.
in march with author matthias vieider:
2 march 2015, 5 p.m. from sfd's balcony to mariahilfer strasse (nr. 88a). performance appr. 15 minutes.


track 5' winning short radio plays!

ö1 radio play gala
27 february 2015, 7 p.m.
venue: radiokulturhaus, grosser sendesaal, argentinierstr. 30a, 1040 vienna
free admission (numbered tickets from 6 p.m.!)



by john giorno (usa), curated and edited by sfd & fritz ostermayer for the exhibition artists and poets (curated by ugo rondinone/sui)
12 feb. to 12 april 2015
venue: secession, friedrichstrasse 12, 1010 vienna & via telephone!
secession in association with vienna poetry school (sfd)



thurs., 12 february 2015, 7:30 p.m.
organised by sfd on the occasion of the exhibition artists and poets 12 feb. until 12 april 2015
venue: secession, friedrichstrasse 12, 1010 vienna
free admission, limited capacity


from the ivory tower

balcony-scenes first monday every month.
in february with poetry slammer and comedian didi sommer:
2 feb. 2015, 5 p.m. from sfd's balcony to mariahilfer strasse (nr. 88a). performance appr. 15 minutes.


online voting until 9 february 2015!

track 5' - short radio play competition by ö1 and sfd
15 radio plays have made it into the final and can now be voted for.
audience voting: >>
