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>> programm 2025 (in german)


sawing on eden's apple trees

class on erotic poetry with the poet timo brandt.
postponed to september 2020!
30/31 march, 1/3 april, class performance during the festival "452 years wiener gruppe" on 21 june 2020.
in association with "sprachspiel. biennale west"
>> further info


plunging into the subconscious

a summer writing class from 17 until 21 august at sfd, organised by aleph écriture (paris); in association with vienna poetry school & eacwp (european association of creative writing programmes)


the winner of the 3rd eacwp flash fiction contest

is anna lu (ger) with her english text "motorway service stop". a total of 13 texts in different european languages were competing in the final round.


call for text submissions 2020

short literary texts on the topic of ghosts for:
sfd& gespenster (ghosts)
magazine of the vienna poetry school #02
deadline: 15 july 2020


evil voices

online micro radio play class on the topic of
"evil voices: anonymous call, rumour, conspiracy", held by multimedia artist orhan kipcak.
6 may to 17 June 2020
contributions can be in german and/or in english. max. length of each mini drama: 20 seconds, participation free of charge (just register) >> (website in german)


eacwp flash fiction contest 2020 – public voting!

the final round has started! vote online for one of 13 european texts. voting closes on 30 may 2020, 1 p.m. (CET)


eacwp flash fiction contest 2020

third european writing competition, organized by eacwp (european association of creative writing programmes). topic: "time of arrival". participation in 12 european languages, a text with a maximum of 100 words. deadline: 15 march 2020 (13.00h MEZ) – extended until 1 april!


lyric poetry – a language of emaciation?

online class with sophie reyer, writer, sound poet, composer (mutter brennt/mother burns, novel 2019; queen of the biomacht, poetry, 2019).
write a poem that consumes itself.
5 february until 18 march 2020. extended until 21 march – world poetry day!
free participation (just register) >> (in german)

ant bear to zebra

the zoo class with writer clemens berger (im jahr des panda/in the year of the panda, novel 2016).
writing at the vienna poetry school and schönbrunn zoo. prose.
4 until 7 may, class presentation on 8 may 2020
>> info & registration


the track 5' winners 2020

the short radio plays by karl quartz, laurin & amelie steinhuber and by "bonnie und das kleid" were the winners at the ö1 radio play gala
