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what's the matter?

take the word apart and perform a poem
performance writing
short class in vienna
19 and 20 october, class presentation on 21 october 2016 during the schamrock festival

class analog what's the matter?
/ heike fiedler (ger/sui)

short class
"what's the matter? take the word apart and perform a poem."

against the background of sound and visual poetry and the process of cut-up (beat generation) we experiment with language, write poems, invent rules for their text production (oulipo), surf on the interface of sound and meaning.


6 units

wed., 19 october 2016: 5 to 8 p.m.
thurs., 20 october 2016: 5 to 8 p.m.
venue: vienna poetry school, mariahilfer str. 88a/stiege III/7, 1070 vienna

fri., 21 october 2016, 6 p.m.; free admission:
class presentation during the schamrock evening (heike fiedler, marie schwab, tzveta sofronieva, margret kreidl, augusta and kalle laar with judith nika pfeifer, programme details to be announced)
venue: literaturhaus, zieglerg. 26a, 1070 vienna

sfd in association with schamrock festival of women poets (munich/vienna)

class fee: 70,- €

limited number of participants!

>> registration (german website)


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1 participant free:
for this class, we offer one free place without class fee.
please send your application to:
- text sample(s) (max. 2 pages in total)
- short bio (1 page max.)
deadline for application: 30 september 2016
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heike fiedler

born 1963. writer, (sound) poet, performance artis, musician. grew up in düsseldorf, lives and works in geneva.