19892019 kex open
with ten sfd writers
series in 10 parts from 24 september until 27 november 2019
vienna poetry school in association with the the art gallery "kunsthalle exnergasse"

19892019 kex open
with 10 sfd writers
the art gallery "kunsthalle exnergasse" (at "wuk" vienna) celebrates its 30th anniversary with a series in 10 parts through an examination of its former exhibitions. for this ping pong with its own history not only visual artists are invited, but also authors as reflecting commentators of each of the ten evenings.
the 10 writers are:
tues., 24.09.2019 sophie reyer (prologue at parallel vienna, lassallestr. 5, 1020 vienna)
wed., 02.10.2019 raphaela edelbauer (kunsthalle exnergasse, wuk)
wed., 09.10.2019 katharina tiwald
wed., 16.10.2019 natascha gangl
wed., 23.10.2019 theodora bauer
wed., 30.10.2019 judith nika pfeifer
wed., 06.11.2019 maria muhar
wed., 13.11.2019 barbi markovic
wed., 20.11.2019 anna weidenholzer
wed., 27.11.2019 barbara zeman
wed., 4.12.2019 finissage & party
weekly from 24 sept. until 27 nov. 2019, 7 to 9 p.m.
venue: kunsthalle exnergasse (from 2 oct.), wuk werkstätten- und kulturhaus, währinger straße 59, 2. stiege, 1. stock, 1090 wien
further info >> https://www.wuk.at/en/events/2019/19892019/
(c) selected exhibition titles, kunsthalle exnergasse 1989 - 2019