blessed be the rage of your flesh
lectures | readings | performances | music
4 and 5 october 2019, always at 8 p.m.
venue: schauspielhaus, porzellangasse 19, 1090 vienna

blessed be the rage of your flesh
festival: lectures | readings | performances | music
two festival evenings on 4 and 5 october 2019, always 8 p.m.
venue: schauspielhaus, porzellangasse 19, 1090 vienna
after the affects "laughing" and "crying", this time we dedicate our annual literature and music festival at schauspielhaus wien to the politically most precarious surge of emotion: anger. and its closest affective relation: rage.
according to the american literature scholar morse peckham art possesses "no reality, no truth, no value, it is nothing but a construct, because it is only a signal". however, this is exactly why art has "all freedoms". without hysterical enforcement we would like to position peckham's paradoxical conclusion: against the wrath of the crowd and their instigators, against furious capitalism and its proclaimers of salvation. because we, as well as these excellent participants, are also furious:
johannes ullmaier, stefanie sargnagel, antonio fian & julia reichert's kabinettteater & sfd-anger-and-rage-class, the brute-band gewalt, lydia haider, oswald wiener, natascha gangl & maja osojnik.
what is still valid: "anger is an energy" (john lydon, formerly johnny rotten).
fritz ostermayer (curator of the festival and artistic director of the vienna poetry school)
fri., 4 oktober 2019, 8 p.m.
johannes ullmaier (mainz) – opening lecture
stefanie sargnagel – reading. philippics by werner kofler and others
kabinetttheater, julia reichert & team – puppet theatre. microdramas on anger & rage from the sfd-class with antonio fian; by harald jöllinger, beate mayr-kniescheck, neutro und mario schlembach. premiere!
GEWALT (berlin): patrick wagner, guitarist helen henfling und bassist jasmin rilke – music
sat., 5 oktober 2019, 8 p.m.
heidi kastner – talk and reading
lydia haider – reading
oswald wiener – reading
natascha gangl & maja osojnik – music/text-performance
tickets 4 & 5 oct. schauspielhaus:
t: +43 1 3170101 18
single ticket: standard 12,- / under 30s 10,-
combined ticket for two nights (only when both tickets are purchesed at once): standard 20,- / under 30s 15,-
vienna poetry school in association with schauspielhaus wien
review >> festival 2018