"die erben sollen nun sterben. die viren sollen krepieren"
(the heirs shall now die. the viruses shall croak.)
class from 25 to 28 march, plus class presentation on 29 march 2019
open for registration. (deadline for free places: 20 feb.!) women only.

how much carnage does this age need? how much of this can it take? what do we need - and where do we want to go with it? with grand words and a little bit of force a step futher into matriarchy. writing class for women only - since a man should not step outside anymore after dark.
for more info & registration go to (in german): http://sfd.at/frauen
lydia haider
born 1985 in steyr, austria. writer. lives in vienna.
recent publications: "wahrlich fuck you du sau, bist du komplett zugeschissen in deinem leib drin oder: zehrung reiser rosi. ein gesang" and the novel "am ball. wider erbliche schwachsinnigkeit" (published by redelsteiner dahimène edition 2018).
(c) karin hackl