"the lie class"
literary and real creation of new identities.
a narrative performance class in vienna.
4 until 7 november, class presentation and reading by tomer gardi
during "buch wien" on 8 november 2019

"the lie class"
– literary and real creation of new identities
class with tomer gardi (berlin)
"me is someone else" – and this someone owns an independet biography which will be created during the class. students invent and write up new identities for themselves and act them out during their daily routines during this one week: when shopping, in bars & restaurants or other public place.
for dates & registration go to (in german): >> www.sfd.at/luegen
fri., 8 nov. 2019, 7 p.m.; free admisstion
class presentation (tomer gardi & students) and reading by tomer gardi from his new book (german title: "sonst kriegen sie ihr geld zurück") during the vienna book fair (buch wien).
venue: vienna poetry school, mariahilfer straße 88a/stiege III/7, 1070 vienna
tomer gardi (isr/ger)
*1974 at kibbutz dan in galilee. lives in berlin. writer, editor of the magazine sedek: a journal on the ongoing nakba and the accompanying book series. current novel "sonst kriegen sie ihr geld zurück" (published by droschl 2019 - "otherwise you get your money back").
vienna poetry school in association with "buch wien"