flash fiction contest 2021
the fourth edition of the eacwp flash fiction contest takes place from 26 february until 15 april 2021. extended until 30 april! send in your texts with a maximum of 100 words. participation in 12 european languages.

eacwp flash fiction contest 2021
wanted: flash fiction prose in german or 11 other languages!
the european flash fiction contest is taking place for the fourth time.
this initiative aims to promote and encourage literary creation in europe, bringing european writers together in a joint competition.
the contest is open to any participant living in europe (and israel). participants must present a max. 100 words flash fiction text
the topic is: "outside"
texts can be submitted in 12 different languages: english, spanish, catalan, portuguese, french, german, dutch, danish, finnish, swedish, hebrew and czech.
(being the german member institution of eacwp, the vienna poetry school receives all german texts for selection of a winner in this language)
the final winner will be awarded a cash prize of € 600,-. the second place will receive a cash prize of € 400,-.
- text uploads via the form on the eacwp website until 15 april 2021 (13.00hrs CET) - extended until 30 april!
- publication of the results of the first round on www.eacwp.org until 30 may 2021
- popular votes from 30 may until 30 june 2021 on the eacwp website
- announcement of the european winner on 15 july 2021
aims of the contest are:
- to encourage a european citizenship through cultural and literary interchange
- to promote creative writing in the different european languages as a way to preserve our valuable linguistic and literary heritage
- to foster talent within the field of creative writing in europe
further info, submission, registration & critera:
>> https://eacwp.org/flash-fiction/german/ (deutsche version)
>> https://eacwp.org/flash-fiction/ (selection of all participating languages)
>> winner of the eacwp flash fiction contest 2020
>> vienna poetry school & eacwp