without net
"i finally want to know all about suffering!"
spring academy 2021 "without net" / digital class (via zoom; internet access required)
13 until 23 april 2021 (limited number of participants)

spring academy of the vienna poetry school: "without net"
without net - "i finally want to know all about suffering!"
class with poet and publisher daniela seel (berlin)
the participating poets will take a possibly painful trip with daniela seel into uncertain territory. the quote for the class is the start of a poem by christine lavant: "ich will vom leiden endlich alles wissen! / zerschlag den glassturz der ergebenheit", as daniela seel explains and she continues to offer an agenda for the class: to radically turn to what hurts, to enter into one's own vulnerability and to come back with nothing but a poem. the pandemic with its specific weight has caused a special kind of sensitivity which will be looked at closer during the class, and it will be tried to treat it within a poem, during writing, reading, in conversation.
dates and info (in german) >> http://sfd.at/seel
daniela seel
*1974 in frankfurt/m, is a german poet, translator and publisher of kookbooks. she lives in berlin and sometimes works as a teacher. she published several poetry volumes and received prizes and work grants.
during the sfd-festival "the death of the author (reloaded)" daniela seel gave a performance lecture on "the xenotext experiment" >> info
(c) axel kahrs
sfd spring academy 21 "withouth net" >> https://sfd.at/en/newsflash/sfd-spring-academy-21-without-net?set_language=en&cl=en