vienna poetry school call for text submissions 2023
we are looking for short literary texts on the topic of "pataphysics" for: sfd& pataphysik (pataphysics)
magazine of the vienna poetry school #5
deadline for submissions: 30 july 2023
(literary form open: poems, prose, drama, etc...)

vienna poetry school call for text sumbissions 2023
sfd& pataphysik (pataphysics)
magazine of the vienna poetry school #05
deadline: 30 july 2023
we welcome unpublished short texts in german and english from austria and abroad!
please send your manuscripts that deal with the topic "pataphysics".
the length of each submission may have a maximum of 3,000 characters and all literary genres are accepted.
a jury will select the texts for publication.
for details on the call for texts and participation see the info below.
if you have never heard of the science of pataphysics, here is a very first impression: >> wikipedia pataphysics
for literature, pataphysics becomes interesting in its definition as the "science of exceptions and imaginary solutions". it is thus about strategic rule-breaking, or better: about ignoring all certified rules in favour of something "completely different". someone can soon sail around on a boat on water, but ploughing through the waves in a sieve as a substitute for a boat can only be done by pataphysicists who have a profound theory at the ready as to why even a mesh with holes can float on water and not sink.
pataphysical texts feed on the "impossibility" of their contents as well as on the assertion of their scientific character. and on the extravagant ideas of their authors. the great pataphysician boris vian summed up his passion for this absurd science as follows: "i like to think of things that i think others don't think of". this is also a nice approach to dealing with exceptions of all kinds.
so why not invent a new alphabet? or try your hand at a pataphysical letter of application? at arithmetic problems with god as a provable mathematical zero. at poems about explosive charges, written with gunpowder. at photo stories full of talking stones etc. etc.
here are the "official" principles of pataphysics by ludwig harig and eugen helmlé:
1. pataphysics is the science of that realm which extends beyond metaphysics; or also: pataphysics transcends metaphysics to the extent that the latter transcends physics in all directions ad libitum.
2. pataphysics is the science of the particular, of the laws that determine the exceptions.
3. pataphysics is the science of imaginary solutions.
4. with regard to pataphysics, everything is the same.
5. pataphysics is unshakable in its behaviour.
6. everything is pataphysical; yet only a few people practise pataphysics consciously.
7. beyond pataphysics is nothing; it is the last authority.
as well as pataphysical fodder for beginners and advanced learners: >> .pdf (in german)
fritz ostermayer for the vienna poetry school
call for text submissions
sfd& pataphysik (pataphysics)
magazine of the vienna poetry school #05
terms & conditions:
deadline for submissions: 30 july 2023
upload your texts via the online form only - form offline, deadline expired at midnight on 30 July
(please note: only texts sent via the online form are accepted. formatting such as paragraphs is recognised by the online form - please check the automatic email confirmation to see how your text has been submitted.
sfd applies in its publications radical use of small letters. if your text requires capital letters or any other special formatting, ie visual poetry, please contact us at
topic: pataphysics (see above)
german and english texts can be submitted.
max. length: 3,000 characters (incl. spaces, excl. title).
literary form: open
the vienna poetry school's >> privacy statement applies.
publication date of the magazine: autumn/winter 2023
the text submitted has not been published before. (the texts must be free from third party rights and written by the participants themselves)
the copyright remains with the authors.
each author whose text will be published, will be contacted by sfd beforehand. he/she will receive a free copy of the magazine.
we cannot respond to requests/comments about the submitted texts.
the participants in this call automatically give permission that their texts acan be published in the sfd magazine sfd& free of charge and that, if applicable, they can also be presented at a public event organised by sfd. they also give permission that their texts can be published either in part or fully on the sfd website and via social media.
by taking part in this call for text submisstions the participants explicitly and automatically agree to these terms & conditions.
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