true copies
an exhibition by the poet and visual artist toni kleinlercher (aut) on the poetry volume in der sprache der inseln by julian schutting
29 november 2023 until 30 march 2024
venue: sfd, 1070 vienna

true copies
68 true copies and a literary frottage
by the poet and visual artist toni kleinlercher on the volume of poetry in der sprache der inseln by julian schutting
(1973 otto müller verlag, new edition 2023 by zeuys books)
exactly 50 years ago, otto müller verlag published the first volume of poetry by julian schutting: in der sprache der inseln. schutting's poems are now being republished in the form of an artist's book by zeuys books in a numbered and signed edition.
the "literary graphic condensations" by toni kleinlercher shown at the sfd visualise the straightforward, matter-of-fact nature of these poems. he views schutting's poems as if from afar (as if he could not read their words) by approaching them with the photographic technique of a copying machine, making extensive use of its magnifying function. as a result, the texts printed in schutting's first work only come into the picture as if by chance and fragmented, they slip beyond the edges of the page, verses break off at an invisible edge or no longer come into view at all.
vernissage: tuesday, 28 november 2023
with toni kleinlercher and a reading by julian schutting from in der sprache der inseln and current works.
venue: schule für dichtung/vienna poetry school
mariahilferstr. 88a/stiege III/7, 1070 vienna
mo–fr, +43-(0)1 522 35 26 (please call ahead of your visit)