call for papers: eacwp international pedagogical conference on creative writing
eacwp (european association of creative writing programmes) & creatief schrijven organise the 5th international pedagogical conference in brussels from 13 to 15 september 2018. teachers/schools/educators around the globe involved in creative writing are invited to submit their papers until 15 june 2018!

5th international conference on creative writing - call for papers
theme: "out of the box"
as part of a new trend, writing courses are no longer taking place only in the classroom. new technology and places are used for the teaching of creative writing. alternatives to traditional teaching methods, including crossovers and involvement of different art disciplines, are emerging on a regular basis.
please send your proposals for a workshop or seminar which you would love to show to a broader international audience until 15 june 2018 to david troch (at
your proposal should include:
- title of your seminar or workshop
- short description, appr. 10 lines
- your presentation language (english, french or dutch)
- name, institutional affiliation, email address and mobile number
length of lectures: 30 mins.; workshops: 90 mins. official conference language: english.
conference date: 13 to 15 september 2018
venue: deburen, leopoldstraat 6, 1000 brussels, belgium
for details on the conference please visit:
call for papers >> pdf document
more info: >> sfd & eacwp