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beitrag von: WeiMaDing


nachts wache ich jetzt öfter auf. allerhand gedanken gehen mir durch den kopf, allerhand gestalten tauchen mir auf. man könnte sagen, ich denke über mein leben nach. 


Dreamt of our translator’s editing thing,
our jour fixe at Vienna Literaturhaus.
Not a fixed day, actually,
but every few weeks, except in the summer.
Someone brings a text, already translated,
and people make suggestions
to improve certain parts.
I don’t always go,
but it’s a good tradition.
Now I went again in my dream,
Brigitte was there, a few other people.
It was a little awkward,
but I wasn’t sure why.
Had I missed the memo?
Gradually I remembered
it is virus time, this isn’t allowed
and I am dreaming.
But in the deeper levels of dreamland,
it seems the virus doesn’t exist
or maybe not yet.

MW April 2020

review von: peter rosei

very special and funny! Maybe the virus is only existing in the dreams of some weirdos? in the meantime all the others can meet in literaturhaus and discuss the actual figures!!