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beitrag von: beatemayrk

rabbit rabbit rabbit

There was a rabbit in Waterloo, whose name was really Winnie the Pooh;
               He was no coney and also no phoney,
                     That real rabbit of Waterloo.

review von: clemens j. setz

A rabbit whose name was Winnie-the-Pooh? Blasphemous! Imagine being this poor rabbit - and having to tell the teacher, the doctor, or the policeman your name. "It's what?" - "As I said, Winnie the Pooh." - "No, really, what's your name?" And so on.
Beate Mayr-Kniescheck sagt
18.10.2021 09:04
Haha ... ich wollte da keine Gefühle verletzen ;)
Danke für die Reviews!