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auf eine bessere tierwelt

beitrag von: Sylvia


Our dog was half husky half lab,
She was black with a white breast badge.

She died at seventeen
in dog years nineteen

plus one hundred her years, 
with tears we still blab.

review von: clemens j. setz

I've always found that dog years are an especially sad way to measure time and, in this case, loss. The multiplication 'times seven' seems to also multiply our sadness.
Christine Zureich sagt
11.10.2021 07:43
I see the liquorice nose twitching...
Loving the half husky half lab
Sylvia Petter sagt
13.10.2021 00:01
She was a lovely dog. Slim legs. Barrel chest. From a home.
Sylvia Petter sagt
13.10.2021 00:03
Yes. I didn't realise that multiplication of sadness. Some things come out without a thought. Maybe it's the effect of constraints? Hmm.