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beitrag von: Sylvia

navel gazing

I want to write. I stare at the page. Words won't come. I'm not into the touch-feely stuff that seems to be in fashion. I'm not into fashion. Tout court. My mind is closed. Open Sesame. Sesame mucho. Look over the Tellerand. Taliban. Judge them by their actions, but who will judge the judge? We don't have the time to wait for history to do its thing. This variant is just a dress rehearsal for something bigger. Our planet burps in Tonga. Look! Look how it spews all the way to Alaska! Look! But looking isn't enough. We must see. We must act. You must act. We must make you see so that you will act. Open your eyes. Stop gazing at your navel. Can you hear the drums of war? We've been there before. The war words are in the air like that virus. Soon it will be the life of Pi and we will be afloat in the Tonga of our existence. Now that the words are coming, I'm running out of characters. Look around. Can you see character in the air? We need that more than anything now, as at least one seed.

review von: peter rosei

ein flow. das geht gut hin. man folgt dem gern wenn ich aber den schluss ernstnehme, ganz ernst - und vieles, was ich vorher las, dazu - müsste das ganze dann nicht viel bitterer, schärfer, ja verzweifelter daherkommen?
Sylvia Petter sagt
19.01.2022 13:30
Ja, Danke. Sie haben recht. Und danke, dass ich auf Englisch schreiben darf.