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beitrag von: Sylvia

Afternoon tea and cake

My hostess can only eat gluten free.
She baked a gluten-free mango cake.
Normally she bakes one with raspberries, but she wanted a change from dark red.
It was perfectly rounded in layers of that reddish yellow orange hue.
Her eyes searched my face.
"I'm sorry," I said.
"I made it specially for you," she replied.
I read her disappointment. "I'm allergic to mangoes. My face swells up and I'm knocked out for two days."
"I'm the same with the pastry," she said. "That's why there's no gluten. I have all the bits from around the layers," she added, and passed me a bag of pastry cut offs.
I nodded.
"Here is some cranberry jam; it's darker than raspberry. Do you want it with whipped cream?"
I shook my head. "Jam will do," I said. "Good pastry," I added.
She beamed.

review von: peter rosei

das ist eine geschichte unter menschen, und wie du sie erzählst, funktioniert sie auch, was meint, man ist dabei: so baut sich zuneigung auf, jedenfalls eine verbindung - aus all diesem an sich bedeutungslosen, kleinen hin und her, und dann: man ist nicht mehr allein.
schule für dichtung sagt
22.01.2022 13:06
merci, liebe sylvia, fürs mitschreiben!
die höchst-beitragszahl von 5 ist somit erreicht.
bis zur nächsten onlineklasse! herzlich, das sfd-team
Sylvia Petter sagt
22.01.2022 20:42