fundamentals of poetry
“real” classes & online classes
madrid (esp) & orivesi (fin) & internet
february - july 2011

2 “real” classes, 4 online classes
madrid (esp), orivesi (fin), internet
february - july 2011
this european project consists of 2 “real” classes and 4 online classes. a total of 35 students will take part: 5 in each case from france, the czech republic, finland, italy, and austria, and 10 from spain.
working language in the “real” classes: english (although texts may also be composed in one’s respective native language)
internet classes & forums: participation possible with contributions in spanish, catalan, finnish, french, italian, czech, german, english
lectures for all classes will also be available in english, main forum: in english
- february 18th – 20th, 2011, class in madrid
the project will start with a “real” class in madrid, in which all 35 students will participate:
jörg piringer (vienna poetry school): “sound & rhythm” (working language: english)
the workshop shows how to enhance poetic language through the manipulation of rhythm and sound - two main properties of spoken language. the participants will learn how to use simple but effective electronic devices and software to rearrange and modify their own voices for live performance and prerecorded pieces. the workshop will focus on play and experimentation and will not require any knowledge in computer or other technology other than writing and/or speaking.
- lecture jörg piringer >>
- pictures madrid, 02/2011>>
- pictures orivesi, 07/2011 >>
- teacher text samples, web edition 2011 (pdf) >>
- student text samples & project documentation, web edition 2012 (pdf) >>
fundamentals of poetry/class jörg piringer, madrid 2011 from schule für dichtung vienna/sfd on Vimeo.
- march - june: 4 online classes
- march 2011:
petr borkovec (literarni akademie): “senses and description“ (visual, taste, smell…)
- april 2011:
xènia dyakonova / luis luna (escuela de escritores):
“sense and structure“
- may 2011:
isabelle rossignol (aleph-écriture): “emotions“
- june 2011:
risto ahti (orivesi school of arts): “ambiguity“
- july 4th – 7th, 2011, class in orivesi
closing event in finland with the class of mattia garofalo (scuola holden): “heteroglossia“ (working language: english)
an eacwp project
schule für dichtung – vienna poetry school in association with escuela de escritores (madrid, spain), orivesi college of arts (orivesi, finland), scuola holden (torino, italy), aleph écriture (paris, france), literárni akademie josef skvorecky (praha, czech republic)
sponsored by the eu lifelong learning programme
info auf deutsch im newsflash >>
jörg piringer
works as a freelance artist and academic in the fields of electronic music, radio art, sound poetry, visual poetry, interactive collaborative systems, online communities, performance, sound installations, computer games, video art and poetic software. member of the vegetable orchestra. teaches “acoustic poetry“ at the schule für dichtung – vienna poetry school.
petr borkovec
studied czech philology in prague. editor of the cultural magazine souvilosti and the literature magazine literární noviny since 1992. instructor at the literarni akademie in prague and organizer of readings. has published 7 volumes of poetry, some of which have been translated in german, italian, and english. translator of russian (vladimir nobokov, among others).
as member of a consortium of translators translations of korean poetry and classic drama into czech. petr borkovec has won numerous awards.
luis luna
born in madrid. studied spanish philology and has won numerous awards for his literary works in galician and spanish. he is also a well-known visual artist (exhibition at the bienal de arte contemporáneo cabo de gata – níjar in almería), performance and sound artist.
two of his books, territorio en penumbra and dolor balllet, are currently being published. organizer of theater events.
xènia dyakonova
born in st. petersburg, studied literature theory and comparative literary sciences in barcelona. her poems were broadcast on russian radio when she was only nine years old. she has published two volumes of poetry in russian (2003 and 2007).
xènia dyakonova lives in barcelona. she is a poet and translator from russian to catalan (of leo tolstoi and anton chekhov, a. o.). she conducts writing classes at the escola d’escriptura ateneu barcelonès.
isabelle rossignol
in addition to her work as a conductor of writing classes (aleph-écriture), she writes literature for youth and adults. she does documentaries for the radio station france-culture. she participated in the staging of one of her texts (petits morts) at the festival d’avignon.
isabelle rossignol published a reference work on the teachability and learnability of literature (l’invention des atelier d’écriture en france, l’harmattan 2000)
risto ahti
born in lahti (finland). he is an instructor at the orivesi college of arts.
published his first book of poetry in 1967. (r. a.: "it was called something like the winter is an illusion"). since then he has published some thirty books of poetry, essays, essaynovels and poetrynovels, prosepoetry and such. his verse has been translated into some 20 languages.
risto ahti: “basically i am a teacher, distracted by poetry.” he has been mentoring writers for some 40 years. received honorary title of art professor as well as, all a lot of prizes and scholarships nationwide (e.g.: eino leino prize in 1994).
mattia garofalo
was born in london, england and moved to italy in 2003 after gaining his degree in comparative literature. since then he has worked in publishing as well as teaching creative writing. at the moment he is working on creating his own literary agency and teaches at the scuola holden in turin.