rhythm & sound
klasse in turin, 22. und 23. juni 2016
unterrichtssprache: englisch
für reisefreudige sfd- und eacwp-students!
es gibt wenige plätze exklusiv für sfd-students!
(ohne teilnahmegebühr; allerdings sind die reise- und aufenthaltskosten selbst zu tragen)
bitte schickt eure bewerbung mit einer kurzbio (unter angabe, an welcher klasse der sfd ihr teilgenommen habt) an: sfd@sfd.at
only few places available exclusively for sfd-students!
(no participation fee; participants bear costs for travel and accomodation)
please send your application, including a short bio (in german or english; please state which sfd-class you have already participated in), to: sfd@sfd.at
jörg piringer
class “rhythm & sound”
the workshop shows how to enhance poetic language through the manipulation of rhythm and sound - two main properties of spoken language. the participants will learn how to use simple but effective electronic devices and software to rearrange and modify their own voices for live performance and prerecorded pieces. the workshop will focus on play and experimentation and will not require any knowledge in computer or other technology other than writing and/or speaking.
teaching language: english
8 teaching units:
june 22, 2016, 15.00-19.00
june 23, 2016, 15.00-19.00
joerg piringer (vienna)
* 1974
sound poet and scientist.
works as a freelance artist and academic in the fields of electronic music, radio art, sound poetry, visual poetry, interactive collaborative systems, online communities, performance, sound installations, computer games, video art and poetic software. member of the vegetable orchestra. teaches “acoustic poetry“ at the schule für dichtung – vienna poetry school.
>> http://joerg.piringer.net
scuola holden torino >> http://scuolaholden.it
the class is organised by scuola holden turin and takes place within the eacwp-network (european association of creative writing programmes)/teachers' interchange programme, in association with the vienna poetry school (sfd), supported by the european Erasmus+ programme
photos >> www.facebook.com/poetryschool