allen ginsberg (usa)

allen ginsberg
© sfd
born 3 june 1926 in newark, new jersey; died on 5 april 1997 in new york. poet, philosopher, writer, activist. founding father and key figure of the beat movement. author of howl, kaddish, planet news, the fall of america, mind breaths, and plutonium ode: poems 1977-1980 among other books. allen ginsberg championed gay rights and anti-war movements, such as protesting the vietnam war. he was a practising buddhist and is seen as a founder of, or at least inspiration to, the hippie movement. allen ginsberg found inspiration in music, working with, amongst others, bob dylan, the clash, philip glass, patti smith and paul mccartney. in 1974, together with anne waldman he started the jack kerouac school of disembodied poetics at naropa university in boulder, colorado – one of the models for the vienna poetry school which allen ginsberg supported from the start.
he was a guggenheim fellow, member of the american institue of arts and letters & dinstinguished professor of english at brooklyn college, new york.
allen ginsberg & vienna poetry school (sfd):
analogue classes:
- 2 poetry classes: "mind writing slogans", september 1993 (vienna). writing as writing the mind. various slogans and exercises in transcribing the mind to page. writing the mind as it is.
- “meditation & poetics”, september 1993 (vienna)
- at the audimax of the university of vienna, september 1993
- with members of the board of directors of the jack kerouac school of disembodied poetics, USA: anne waldman & andrew schelling and former students: christian ide hintze, christian loidl & christine huber, september 1993 (vienna)
- christian ide hintze / schule für dichtung (hg.): viva la poesia (texts in german)
- christian ide hintze: autoren als revolutionäre (in german)
- cd: sound poetry live at schule für dichtung
- christian loidl, christian ide hintze, winfried gindl (hg.): die jack kerouac school of disembodied poetics (in german, including original texts in english)