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ángela garcía (col)

ángela garcía


born in 1957 in medellín. social communication studies. has published the poetry volumes entre leño y llama and rostro de agua. poems published in the anthology new latin american poetry (germany, bilingual, 1996), and in the anthology of colombian poetry (directed by henry luque muñoz, mexican edition, 1997).

publications in magazines and newspapers of mexico, spain, france, costa rica, argentina, venezuela, germany. published in germany in 2003: sternige klippe. farallón constelado (german / spanish).
member of the editorial committee of the magazine prometeo up to 1999. co-founder and executive director of the international poetry festival of medellín from 1991 to 1999. since 2000 co-ordinator of the festival “poesidagrarna i malmö“.

analogue class:

- “universo simbólico de los indigenas de américa/die symbolwelt der indianer amerikas”, september 1997 (vienna)