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jack collom (usa)

jack collom

jack collom
© sfd


born in 1931. studied forestry. worked in factories for 20 years while writing poetry. later he taught creative writing to children. since 1986 adjunct professor at the naropa university (boulder/colorado). jack collom has read and taught throughout the united states  in mexico, austria...
died in 2017 in colorado.

publications (a.o.):

-   arguing with something plato said (1990)
-   the task (1996)
-   situations, signs (with Lyn Hejinian 2008)
-   second nature (2012)


- "the poetry of children, ecology poetry", april 1992 (vienna)
- "poetry for children", april 1993 (vienna)
- "gedichte für kinder", april 1994 (vienna)