cd präsentation: "acoustic poetry class"
neue publikation: in der sfd-reihe 'sound poetry' erscheint im november die cd "acoustic poetry class 2009/10":
präsentation am di, 30. november 2010, 20.00 uhr freier eintritt
ort: amann studios, neustiftgasse 68/23b, 1070 wien
(automatischer türöffner, durchgang 2. hof, glastüre rechts)
elena adler
camilo c. antonio
pamela bartar
thomas havlik
amadea linzer
chris michalski
peter waugh
stefanie wolff
im anschluss:
dj mia legenstein (
class in acoustic poetry at schule für dichtung / vienna poetry school
in 2009/10, the sfd offered a class in acoustic poetry, in the form of regular workshops that explore the various possibilities of making literary combinations of language, voice, writing and sound. the class provided a thorough grounding in the practice, history and theory of acoustic poetry, and also investigated multimedia approaches, the basis of text-sound composition, live performance and recording, and studio technology.
as a conclusion of the five-part series of workshops, the students produced, together with the class teachers, a cd in a professional recording studio.
class teachers:
christoph amann, juergen berlakovich, mia legenstein, jörg piringer
link: klasse "akustische poesie" 2009/10