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sfd at eacwp symposion & conference

creative writing in europe.
the vienna poetry school (sfd) was represented in madrid by fritz ostermayer, orhan kipcak, fabian navarro and harriet nachtmann at this year's meeting of the european network.

sfd at eacwp symposion & conference

the sfd is a member of the eacwp (european association of creative writing programmes) since its founding in 2005 in prague (as encwp). info >>

the symposion (may 3-4) and the pedagogical conference "the art and the craft" (may 4-6, 2023) took place in madrid, organised by eacwp and escuela de escritores.


participation of the sfd:

harriet nachtmann was reelected as board member of the eacwp

lectures & workshop:


fritz ostermayer

inspirational settings and locations as a booster for text production

as an unorthodox educational institution, the vienna poetry school is always interested in the pedagogical potential of unusual situations and spaces of teaching. writing in unusual circumstances - of this founder christian ide hintze was also convinced – favours the output of unusual texts. hintze took one class to a thermal bath: to "write in the water". other classes roamed through cemeteries, tried out birdwatching or indulged in a classic symposium revel while drinking under trees.
the aim of this extended teaching practice: the dissolution of external "school constraints" in favour of an inner release of creative processes.

>> .pdf document of the lecture by fritz ostermayer


orhan kipcak

a brief reminder — ide hintzes 7fold poetics

continuing fritz ostermayer's lecture on situations and spaces of teaching that are distinctive for the vienna poetry school (sfd), this contribution will focus on the teacher personalities who find their optimal way of development at the school. in an archetypal way, this has been christian ide hintze himself, who founded the sfd 30 years ago and led it until his death exactly ten years ago. in him, that anachronistic type of teacher is realized, that can be found in the institutional order of the modern art academy system in a diluted way only, a figure who integrates himself into teaching practice as a „lebenskunstwerk“ (paolo bianchi).

>> .pdf document of the lecture by orhan kipcak


fabian navarro

code & poetry – how to use ai and code for poetry

text generating ai is changing how we will deal with text in the future. but what does this mean for creative writing? if you are a writer and if you worry if some day a computer could do your job – this workshop is for you. participants will explore different forms of digital literature. after a brief introduction into the field of conceptual generative poetry they will learn new tools which can be used for creation. prior coding skills are not required, but please bring a laptop, tablet or smartphone with you.


>> conference publication




harriet nachtmann, fritz ostermayer, fabian navarro, orhan kipcak

some of the participants of the symposion

(c) sfd

more pictures >>

pictures of symposion & conference will also be published by eacwp.