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sfd at nawe conference

in the course of the presentation of the eacwp (european association of creative writing programmes), orhan kipcak talked about the vienna poetry school and its eacwp connections (sfd & eacwp >>
nawe: national association of writers in education / uk

sfd at nawe conference

schule für dichtung at the nawe's virtual conference

renewal & resilience: creative writing in education and communities in 2022 and beyond

10 – 12 march 2022, online



in the course of the presentation of the eacwp by lorena briedis, orhan kipcak talked about the vienna poetry school and its eacwp connections and joint projects since the founding of the eacwp in 2005 (sfd & eacwp >>, and franco chiaravalloti did so concerning the escuela de escritura (barcelona).