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vage ist die waage

die klasse ist seit 1.2.2016 geschlossen

beitrag von: fwright

08 - mexikoplatz: out of reach

too fat, too thin
too short to meet the mark?

vage ist die waage
pock-marked urban highlights

one arm bandits of social justice

review von: rosa pock

maybe this boy is a potential gambler or heavy weight champ.
anyhow - nice picture, nice glance at mexico platz!
best regards
rosa pock
Fran Eve Wright sagt
20.01.2016 15:58
the composition of the photo captures the issue of our times though on a very prosaic level - people in transit waiting for a bus - the child looking up in expectation, the man's identity hidden behind the roadmap, the woman looking back into the camera - curiousity and apprehension - typical of the pockets of diverse migrant groups living on and around mexico platz