beitrag von: SylviaPetter
The Stink Tank
Sinking in the sink tank
has an element of
training the swamp
from the days when
Adi years after his demise
was still an honorary burger
of the town where
Sinker number won was mayor.
Sinking how to spin the pokies
to make them light
the end of the tunnel
when the phones go mad.
Does the tank stink
when it grows
Or is that being pre-juiced?
review von: ann cotten
pre-juiced needs to be word of the year! you go around already liquid before hitting a single car!
everyone, look how this kind of soundplay makes a text so krisp like first frost.
i asked everyone to add a metatext explaining what the text is supposed to do, how it is intended to work, what kind of a situation it is built to create. because this is a workshop open to all kinds of texts there needs to be some kind of clarification of the respective goals. so i ask you to add also a bit of orientation, perhaps in the comments, in order to continue the conversation.